Air Source Inverter Heat Pumps – Commercial and Industrial
Heating and Air Conditioning
There is no better choice than a high performance heat pump system for any heating or air conditioning requirement. One of the biggest advantages of a heat pump over a standard heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) unit is that there’s no need to install separate systems to heat and cool your building. Heat pumps are extremely efficient because they simply transfer heat, rather than burn fuel to create it. High quality air source heat pump heating and air conditioning systems represent the most advanced, energy efficient and comfortable heating equipment today. VRF Solutions LLC specializes in the installation of heat pump systems for both new construction and retrofit of existing buildings.
Air Source Heat Pump Retrofit
An Air Source Heat Pump Retrofit will provide an efficient level of heating and cooling for your commercial or industrial property. The indoor units come in a variety of styles: wall mounted, floor mounted, ceiling cassettes or ducted units. The outdoor unit is quiet and comes in a variety of sizes and configurations. An Air Source Heat Pump Retrofit installed by the building performance contractors at VRF Solutions will provide up to 3x more heat energy to a property than the electric energy that it utilizes.
VRF Solutions LLC can help you establish and realize your building performance objectives. Whether it is cost savings, occupant comfort or other important goals we can provide the expertise and project coordination to help you achieve those goals. Call us today at (833) VRF-HVAC to learn more.
Heat Pump Technology – Commercial and Industrial – New York, New Jersey, New England and beyond.
Design Build Performance Contracting
DeCarbonization and Electrification
- Design Build High Performance HVAC
- VRF Heat Pump, Heat Recovery
- Heat Recovery Ventilation
- Value Engineering
- Heat pump Hot Water plants
Electrification of all building types
- Commercial
- High Rise Office
- Multi Family
- Educational Institutions
- Houses of Worship
- Theaters
- Hotels & Restaurants
- Medical Facilities
What are Air Source Heat Pumps?
- Transfers heat from one place to another with a refrigerant cycle
- Heat pumps MOVE heat
- Complete heating, air conditioning, dehumidification, and air filtration
- Electrically driven but not “electric“ resistive heat
High performance systems need no backup heat source, work to -17F
The basic refrigeration cycle technology has been around since the 1940’s. Recent decades have made heat pumps amazingly efficient and able to work in below 0 degree fahrenheit temperatures

VRF Heat Pumps
(Variable Refrigerant Flow)
- Complete HVAC in one system
- Energy efficient
- Micro zoning for individual comfort
- Low maintenance
- Modulates to meet load
- No mechanical room required
- Carbon free on-site,
- Eliminate carbon penalties (CMA)
- Whisper quiet operation
- Improved occupant comfort
- Superior controls
Through Wall High Performance HP-PTAC

Epocha brand Heat Pump Packaged Terminal Units are high performance through wall consoles that can replace convention PTACs commonly found in hotel rooms or apartments. A high performance “HP” PTAC remains in heat pump mode at any temperature dramatically reducing operating costs. The Epocha unit has an all metal chassis, is super quiet, and has a compact footprint..
DVM Chiller
Air to Water VRF – Replace Cooling Towers, Chillers, Boilers

DVM Chillers are an air to water heat pump that can replace cooling towers and boiler plants as part of an hydronic distribution system, found commonly in high rise buildings.
Scalable – Modulating – Electric – Comfortable – Efficient – Safe

STHP Fujitsu
Split Terminal Heat Pump

Domestic Hot Water

Belnord Apartment Building
- 570 Ton Samsung DVM Chiller Plant
- Utilized existing water loops and dunnage
- Displaced eight cooling towers and a boiler plant

Manhattan College Chrysostom Hall Dorm

350 352 354 West 12th St Greenwich Village

240 East 24th
240 E 24th St: Individual heat pumps for each apartment connected to a new 125 Amp apartment electrical panels and Stove outlet Electrical service upgrade Heat Pump Hot water system.

Current multi family projects
205 Hicks Brooklyn

601 West End Ave NYC

VRF Electrification Advantages
- COMPLETE heating, air conditioning, dehumidification, air filtration
- EFFICIENT least expensive heating/AC available
- ZONING every air handler is a separate zone, ductless
- LOW MAINTENANCE no regular tune ups
- NO MECHANICAL ROOM flue, make up air, or combustion
- CARBON FREE ONSITE ready for renewable electricity future
- ELIMINATE CMA PENALTIES more cities and states are considering these penalties. Eventually may be expanded to include religious facilities.